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Another look at the world...

For decades we have been dedicated to show different places in the world to Spanish-speaking travelers. With a long experience accumulated in Africa, it was time for a change of scenery. The pandemic and the closing of borders in Madagascar allowed us to explore in depth a country we had already known for years, Colombia. The political and social situation of the country had changed for the better in recent years, and that encouraged us to carry out this DMC project in order to show Spanish travelers Colombia in a different way.

With the personal seal that we have impregnated to all the destinations in which we have worked before, with the same passion and dedication that has always characterized us, and of course, assuming the responsibility of personally guiding the largest possible number of groups.


Our trips are based on the philosophy of experience, promoting contact with local indigenous communities, discovering their customs and gastronomy, their art, their idiosyncrasy. Because a country as vast and varied as Colombia is not only landscapes and monuments, not only natural parks and wildlife, not only historical cities and paradisiacal beaches … a country is above all its people, the experience of sharing with them unforgettable moments, the adventure of achieving a different trip.

That is why we always take care of all the details, the choice of accommodations, the visits, the transportation used, so that the result is a unique and unforgettable experience.


Get to know us

Sergi Formentin

For as long as I can remember I wanted to show the world to others. At first, I did it as a journalist, through my reports in various media, later I began to organize press trips and other adventures for professional teams. Then came the largest desert in the world, and those trans-Saharan routes that allowed me for years to show as a guide the Sahara and the Sahel to hundreds of travelers. Then I continued to show this impossible Africa, and one day I arrived in Madagascar, and there I stayed for more than 15 years, showing the secrets of the island continent to thousands of travelers. Now the time has come to make a period, and take this personal way of working with travel and showing destinations, to the jungles and deserts of Colombia, to the coffee triangle, to the Andean mountains, to its natural parks, to the western plains and the Orinoquia, to the unknown Pacific, to the Caribbean islands… I am looking forward to your joining me on this new journey.

Maggie Leong

As a young girl, I left my native country to study in France. I travelled through Europe, Asia and North Africa before returning to Canada and discovering the wide open spaces of the North. After a varied professional experience in Canadian airlines, life took me to Madagascar, where I managed the Lac Hotel Sahambavy for years and got to know the island continent and its neighboring countries.
Destiny led me to meet Sergi Formentin, who pushed me to travel with him through the most varied countries (Nepal, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Kenya, Turkey, Thailand, India, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, the Silk Road…)
The recent break in the pandemic allowed me to enter the secrets of Colombia and travel all its corners for months … And there I fell in love with Santa Marta and its surroundings and decided to become part of this new project in which I would like you to join me.

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